Sick at Walmart what a mess

Had to make a quick trip to Wal-mart to get a few things. Just a quick in and out and back home so I thought. Unaware my daughter was about to get sick at Walmart. My daughter had fell asleep in the car seat on the way there. No problem, so I just put my daughter car seat and all into the shopping cart. Trying  not to disturb her sleep and proceeded to get my shopping done. Sometimes you got to grab that peaceful moment. When their asleep and make the best of it before they wake up. She kinda opened her eyes a couple times and went right back to sleep.

The Mess

Then suddenly out of no where. I hear this bubbling gurgling sound and look back down at her and she is exorcist style vomiting everywhere ! Im talking in seconds she was covered from head to toe in vomit ! In her hair and all ! I’m talking  she threw up so much so fast all at once that she was literally sitting in a puddle of vomit ! She went from peacefully sleeping to sick in an instant. (never saw this one coming)

Certainly you can imagine just how bad the Vomit smelled! I felt so bad for my daughter. Obviously at this point there was no returning home and no way I could leave her in the mess she was in. I was stuck with my daughter sick at Walmart in a bad way with a big mess. Thank fully I was at Walmart and could buy pretty much anything I needed that I did not have with me.

Clean up

This resulted into a rest room trip. Where I used paper towels to scoop up the vomit off of her and out of the car seat in an attempt to get her out of the car seat. Just imagine holding your breath and trying to clean up this mess! Yeah, there is no avoiding having the throw up on both hands. Certainly nothing compared to my poor baby who was covered in it!

To make along story short I’m gonna cut some of the details. I ended up running to the Infants department and picking out a new outfit for her to wear and buying that for her. Then  rushing into the bathroom with those to change her into. So after stripping her down to nothing more than a diaper and going ahead and changing that to.

Sick at Walmart in need of a bath

Sick at Walmart

I proceeded to give her a partial bath in the sink and tried to wash as much vomit out of her hair as possible. Which let me tell you is really tough to do with these motion sensitive faucets. That will not stay on but a few seconds. With no temperature adjustment at all. Now this was the family restroom and not the Men’s or Women’s room. Guess I was lucky there was even a changing table.(A bigger sink with temperature adjustable water with no motion sensors. Would be nice in a family rest room intended for parents with kids).

A couple empty bags

Now finally she is clean and dry. As well as all dressed up in her new outfit that we just purchased in the store at the electronics department. Where I asked the cashier for a couple empty bags. (Store Policy) Not allowed to give out empty bags.

So I had to explain to the cashier that I was kinda stuck with my daughter sick at Walmart and covered in throw up. Which was why I was buying the outfit. As well as why I wanted the empty bags. To put my daughter vomit covered clothes into. To cover the smell of vomit and nastiness. Lucky again she had a heart and understood the situation at hand and let me have the bags. (Thank you!)

So now I have my daughter sitting up in the child seat part of the shopping cart while I attempt to clean up the mess in the bathroom and the car seat. Also taking notice that she looks like she still is not feeling all to good.

while I am quickly trying to clean up the mess in the bathroom and bag up all her dirty clothes. I see her lean forward and again throwing up all down the front of herself and into her lap ! Here I am now really feeling I am stuck here with my daughter. Sick at Walmart and wondering just how we are ever gonna get home. Thankfully this time she was sitting up and I was able to quickly wipe her off. This whole mess and the trail of vomit threw wal-mart lasted almost 3 hours.

Sick at Walmart

Finally Home

Finally home I take her out of the car seat and stand her up by the couch. She immediately goes down to her butt and rolls-over onto her stomach and goes to sleep. Now dad he just feels sick to his stomach now and is just done for the day. Hoping I am not gonna be sick tonight or tomorrow as well. Just glad to be home for the moment. Thinking back on how my daughter got sick at Walmart and how I will never forget this day.

Oh wait one more thing to do before bed. disassembling  the car seat and grabbing up all her nasty clothes to put into the washing machine. Mainly the car seat straps and padding and all it coverings in case we need to go to the doctors or hospital. As well as waking her up to get her cleaned up better with a bath and pajamas.


In spite of all this and the many nights of little to no sleep! I can certainly say I love my daughter and would not want to miss any of this for the world. Nothing In the world could ever change the way it makes me feel to look down into those eye’s. To know that I made this little girl with the help of her mother. And that she is looking up to me for everything. A true bond I could never understand until now.

At the same time I have found that my daughter just gets into everything and touches pretty much everything she can get her hands on. Yet constantly puts her hands in her mouth. (A result of teething) So if there is a germ or virus around she is gonna get it despite my best efforts to prevent it. Unfortunately I am all the receiving end every time she gets sick. I end up getting sick along with her.

Until I found this Immune system booster and started taking it. To try and combat getting sick every time she does. So far it’s been working for me, which is good so I can take better care of her. You can try this Immune system booster here as well or even the energy drink for those long nights of no sleep. Check them out here if interested